
March 20, 2011

Theres a CoOl contest at

Go Check it Out my Friends


March 1, 2010

Im not much for detail as you see with my titles i call them as i see them so bare with me on these

anyway i figured i would post a few flower pics from last year I try to get the closeups but im still not good at it I need a micro but thats not in the pocket book yet soon im buying the T2I canon soon first I really want that full HD

Anyway here they are if i dont mess this up if i do you get a link to them 🙂

Sick In my Bedroom

December 29, 2009

Here I am sitting in my bedroom nothing to do but be sick BUT hey I have my camera and a dog as a subject and a book Ive been rereading again I dont know why read it alot before I guess it was something to do The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S Thompson

Well anyway decided that and my unsuspecting Dog  would be my subjects for the shoot A short shoot because I am really sick and cant sit up long,

Anyway I did different lights wwith the lens and see how it came out you decide Now remember Im sick and hand is not to steady well here they are

short one

November 15, 2009

Just a short note I love playing with light lately not distorting it put getting the different lights you get from a lens your different aperture and ISO ( forgive my spelling even with spell check I can screw it up) here a shot i took aiming right at the sun that was behind some light clouds just after the sun rise the colors come out so intense I went for a lighter brighter verse as you have seen the darker brighter there is a difference does sound like it but just look at yesterdays verse what I posted today and its all in how I adjust the lens setting and nothing to do with Photoshop which I did not use believe me

anyway I’m gone for now be back next photo shoot which is when ever the light looks good when I wake up

Sunrise with a Twist

November 14, 2009

I got there late for a sunrise thought I lost the light and WOW was I wrong a got something complete different I sunrise that set into the coulds Wild and the light was just unreal heres a few for you enjoymentsunrise nov 14 065a

Nov Frost

November 12, 2009


frost nov 12 006

s is a try at doing some macro work I called it Nov frost because thats what it is a frosty morning in Nov in Wisconsin It came out pretty good acually its only a few pictures but the cystals are real cool and pretty clear (me trying to do it without a tripod and bending over are not a great mix)

Anyway Im still not sure how to add a album so heres a link to photobucket sute where I built a album

and again any comments welcome well most be somewhat nice please but truthful

Who is workinprogress101

November 12, 2009

Picture 898 copyWho is workinprogress101 Well Thats me Greg Hinze ok first thing I suck at making sentences so bare with me Ill do my best at this.

I guess what Im going to try to do is see where I can go with this blog and TRY to have it follow me as I go though this new world called photography.

Why dont we start with when I started photography , well it started seriously about 2003 sometime, I lost my job July 30th 2002 due to injuries I have had with 12 hernia surgeries man I was lost went though almost like you would have if someone died but tats what it felt like something died in me.

So I finally got off my pitty wagon and went to school taking this and that mostly microsoft classes and I ran into a teacher that said hey why dont you take a graphics class Im teaching. So i did and it was like a monster was let loose I loved it the art of graphics.

So after I took a photoshop class and its history from there it was like a whole new world Everywhere I looked there was something that i had to take a picture of and learning editting I saw it in 2 lights I would see a building and im like wow love the way the shadows look on that and if i take that and add this what will happen.

This whole time I was working witha small canon 5 mp 530A 3x zoom Ill tell yah it really took alot of awesome pictures

Well time passes Im getting a little better and I finally got on disbilty after years of fighting uncle sam and I got some back pay so payed a bunch of bills But also bought I canon xsi 12.2 mp and a few lenses and also bought a few older film from my Mom Point and shoot but Nice  and a small video camera cheaper Samsung

Now I rarely go anywhere without a camera connected to my hand I keep a tripod in the jeep at all times.

so here I am taking pictures as much as I can trying to improve on the craft and learning and learning I took a few trips one to alaska and one to the smokey mountains it was like heaven I get up early and go to bed late and shoot, shoot, and  shoot.

Ill post some albums when I get a chance to figure this out here and the time I also take care of my Mom she has alzhemers and it can be a 24/7 job so bare with me on a time line

anyway Peace to you and all
